『壹』 武侯祠旅遊必去景點有哪些
武侯祠,是中國唯一一座君臣合祀祠廟(葛亮、劉備),由三國歷史遺跡區(文物區)、西區(三國文化體驗區)以及錦里民俗區(錦里)三部分組成,以文、書、刻號稱「三絕」的《蜀丞相諸葛武侯祠堂碑》最為知名,享有「三國聖地」的美譽。 因諸葛亮生前被封為武鄉侯而得名。而在南北朝時期,武侯祠與惠陵/漢昭烈廟(劉備陵廟)合並一處。從此好基友,一輩子啦!這里和旁邊的錦里形成一個獨特的三國文化圈。武侯祠在成都的武侯區,門票60元!這裡面大殿古色古香,人物肖像惟妙惟肖,有威嚴,也有陰森!燒香拜佛的大堂的人絡繹不絕!這里也有現代的元素,比如綠樹成蔭,小溪淙淙,竹林曲徑,金魚池等,可以體驗古代文化,也可以享受園嶺景觀。整個武侯祠坐北朝南,主體建築大門,二門,漢昭烈廟,過廳,武侯祠五重建築,嚴格排列在從南到北的一條中軸線上。以劉備殿最高,建築最為雄偉壯麗。武侯祠後還有三義廟、結義樓等建築。游武侯祠建議和一牆之隔的錦里以前遊玩,大約4個小時,就可把這兩個景點游完。市區乘坐公交1路,57路,82路,334路,335路在武侯祠站下車即可。武侯祠旁邊就是錦里古街,一般都是去完武侯祠就去錦里覓食的,錦里是免費的,是一條著名的小吃街
『貳』 武侯祠的主要景點
武侯祠自魏晉以來,歷代名人留下墨跡甚多。唐朝李商隱、宋朝陸游、明代薛宣、清代王士禎等,都曾來此賦詩題字。目前保留下來的碑石有60多通,匾30多方,聯20餘幅。祠內遍懸匠、聯,匾額有:「高山流水」』「醇儒氣象」,「代仰清高」,「大漢一人」,「大器無方」,「天下奇才」,「其猶龍乎」,「山高水長」,「伯仲伊呂,」其中「忠貫雲霄」為清嘉慶八年(公元1803年)「御 賜」。對聯有:「扶漢室堅惟謹慎,乃能擔當事業;伏龍譽早必深潛,而後騰踔雲霄。」馮玉祥將軍1928年題:「成大事以小心,一生謹慎;仰風流於遺跡,萬古清高。」嵌於大殿背後牆上;琴樓上有「石琴」一張,長115厘米,頭寬24厘米,尾寬20厘米,上刻「章武元年」,叩之清亮,悅耳,傳為晉汶水胡韜作。可惜文革時期被摔斷了。在眾多石碑中,豎有沈迥刻立的「蜀漢丞相諸葛武侯新廟碑銘並序」唐碑一通,系唐德宗貞元十一年(公元795年),與明碑最為珍貴。
『叄』 四川名勝古跡景點介紹
『肆』 四川成都的風景名勝及其介紹
『伍』 成都著名景點及四川傳統文化介紹
『陸』 求成都武侯祠的景點英文介紹,重重有賞!
Cheng Wu Houci began in AD 223 when building LiuBeiHui tombs, the premier of "han". Later sacrifices zhuge liang Wu Houci merges into the premier of the han. Is China's only a manner or si temple ruins and the most famous three kingdoms museum. Cheng Wu Houci domestic numerous Wu Houci is only the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, commemorate zhuge liang is the most famous places of interest. Commemorate zhuge liang Wu Houci except cheng Wu Houci and shaanxi MianXian Wu Houci, nanyang Wu Houci, xiangfan ancient longzhong Wu Houci, fengjie chongqing Wu Houci, yunnan baoshan Wu Houci and gansu li county QiShan Wu Houci, etc
In China five thousand years of civilization, in The Three Kingdoms period is very short but very wonderful period, from the yellow turban insurrectionary peasant uprising of the eastern han dynasty to the three belong to jin (184-280 AD), before and after nearly one hundred years.
Is named in The Three Kingdoms period, when the shenzhou exist three local authority on the earth, and the three regimes were cao cao and his sons cao wei founded 怌, occupy large tracts of land in the Yellow River, a capital of luoyang, sun quan wu, occupy the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, its capital in nanjing, liu bei of shu, occupying the sichuan, yunnan, guizhou and other places, its capital cheng.
"Whole FenJiuBiGe, close long will points", in ancient China had appeared several times in the history of the great schism, upheaval, then return to unity, The Three Kingdoms period, but also a.
In The Three Kingdoms tripartite confrontation, warlords regime of s, sichuan used to be the independent regime in the shu han regime. Although is located in the southwest of sichuan, and weak, but liu bei, zhuge liang, a large number of guan yu, zhang fei ZhongLiang, to han unify the whole country, they fight dongwu, helped the south yi, on the northern expedition, heroic efforts, so as to dece the site of some of the tragic history, left a lot of epic story. Let's descendants would like. So, people began to trim temple built the temple, or retained the ancient battlefield. Thus constitutes the numerous scenic spots and historical sites in The Three Kingdoms history. Today we are going to visit Wu Houci, is numerous prestigious a historic site in the three places of historic interest.
Wu Houci commemorates three kingdoms of shu zhuge liang of the ancestral temple, zhuge liang was blocked for Wu Xiang hou, after the death of banned for cheating, & your respectful name he is & later generations.
Wu Houci is located in the south of cheng Wu Houci street, temple sits. Wu Houci founded in when, have no information can be got, but from fu's poem "shu" in the description "where prime minister ancestral temple, jin officer BaiSenSen outside" to infer, as early as the tang dynasty had built Wu Houci. In tang and song period here have Wu Houci respectively and liu bei temple, the early years of the Ming dynasty, temple into a single, at the end of Ming dynasty, temple was destroyed by the war. Today see Wu Houci is at the time of the eleventh year of emperor kangxi in the qing dynasty, built on the site. Covering an area of 37000 square meters. Is a national key cultural relics protection units.
The gate:
Hung at the gate of the premier of "han" HengBian, han is liu bei's regime, history known as the shu han, because liu bei is han, and later its capital in cheng shu. So the name shu han regime. Zhao is liu bei died writings.finally, number is after death the posterity of the deeds of his life after the evaluation to give appraisement, zhao is, of course, liu bei's call. Plaques, here is the temple of chronicle of liu bei, if so, then why do people call them Wu Houci again? Look from content in Wu Houci temple of liu bei, liu bei's grave than ZhuGeLiangDian in proportion of big, seems like it should call this liu2 bei4 temple, from layout point of view, Chinese traditional is main in the chronicle of temple. While the Wu Houci LiuBeiDian are before zhuge temple in the high. So from this perspective, there seems to be and should be called Wu Houci, but these are not the most fundamental reason, the most fundamental reason is what? Early years of the republic of China has a poet wrote a poem called turmoil out one of the reasons: the premier of big book MenE, all Wu Houci, origin place lose meritorious service and great achievement, the prime minister work high one hundred generations. That is to say, because zhuge liang's historical achievement, his prestige even more than in the people heart the liu bei, so people will disregard the feudal era monarch and minister of etiquette and the temple was the name of, and called the premier of han wu hou shrine.
The floor plan:
On the left side of the gate have a Wu Houci floor plan, you can see the house sit north to south, the main building is he on a central axis, there are gate, second, LiuBeiDian, lobby, ZhuGeLiangDian five heavy construction, on the west side is liu bei's grave. Clay sculpture on display all kinds of characters like in gym, and inscriptions, inscriptions, Zhong Gu, exactly is a shu han history museum here. Today we're visiting route is the west side of the five heavy construction and tomb of liu bei, visit time before and after an hour or so.
Tang tablet:
We can see now is the famous monuments, quiet. The tablet connects tall 367 cm, 95 cm wide, carved built in Tang Xianzong and four years (AD 809), monuments, formerly known as "shu prime minister zhuge Wu Houci hall tablet", the famous prime minister of the tang dynasty, wrote the Fijian degrees, calligrapher liu male la (chuo), list LuJian engrave (Juan), because the article, calligraphy, are from famous engraved, and was hailed as the world quiet "tablet".
That a friend may ask, what is this monument special background? We will let the time go back to 1200 years ago. When Wu Yuanheng as bo give our time, equivalent to today's military commander, he is a very the person of one's self, before into shu hong chuan, we know that sichuan is more difficult than governing. As known as a word - "the world is not disorderly shu, first world hong shu, which have not been treated". Plus six hundred years ago and that zhuge liang in the administration, Wu Yuanheng wants to impress the ZhengSheng, natural need to hard work, he shu in AD 807, in a very low-key attitude adopted many effective measures. ZhengSheng after two years, in the elegant and the opposition, let he can feel himself ZhuGeWuHou. Then, until in 809 AD, led the military commander came to Wu Houci 28 people, determined to monuments dedicated for their achievements over the past two years. In this batch of his entourage, there is a very important, who is that? He is the clerk - Wu Yuanheng PeiDu, equivalent to the secretary-general of the provincial government now. PeiDu know Wu Yuanheng idea, combined with his long before wanted to wrote odes to zhuge liang, after to cheng Wu Houci swim, with sentiment of admire of zhuge liang, wrote this article to sing praises to the various ge is bright, but it is touting Wu Yuanheng bizarre.
We in the inscription "ZhuGeGong in yesterday, and prime minister (Wu Yuanheng) of today's government, with different generation and st" you can see, in the Ming wu today and yesterday Kong Mingyou PeiDu in words under the premise of different generations and analogous, zhuge liang's highly praise your festival ""," founding ", "" which set up, the number of people, he thinks that zhuge liang is the guanzhong, zhong joy yi, responsible, after zhang liang is the most important strategist, zhuge liang is also said the sages, the mother of all rolled into one, in our today's words, zhuge liang, he is an inter-disciplinary talent. Second, PeiDu tai temple of zhuge liang, he spirit of the rule of law, in particular, gave a high evaluation. We from the inscription of "punishment up to waste (remote)", "law without hatred, with the (initial)", "law is imposed on people, from the dead and no hatred" words, such as can be seen that. That is to say, as early as 1800 years ago the shu kingdom, zhuge liang has implemented "the rule of law". Again, PeiDu also spoke highly of the zhuge liang to seek unity and opposing split. For his "wu wei" of military strategy and "diagonal valley, according to sword" of specific measures, is the author's admiration of love. Tang monuments, so it is of high literature value.
This is the first special skill, monuments, quiet. Quiet monuments, second, are the "willows and la (chuo) of calligraphy. Willow book occupies the dominant position in the tang dynasty, people have to "bone" to spoke highly of liu's calligraphy. Liu male is extremely LiuGongQuan brother. In tang dynasty is prosperous time, the article, calligraphy is a kind of fashion, combined with the "loyal, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness" of Confucian ethical and moral standards, rich like the pursuit of epitaph. On disloyal, unfilial LiuGongQuan is looked down upon. So, in order to show his filial piety, righteousness rich people to buy the willow epitaph, a thorough and diplomacy in the tang dynasty, liu book position is quite high, is popular among foreign envoys. Willow and la let people recognize the liu family's calligraphy and calligraphy, so in the famed PeiDu articles, pei, liu actually two of them are complement each other.
Tang monuments, the third, is the inscription carved, was carved by the tang dynasty famous craftsman LuJian. Tablet because PeiWen, liu tang books, shandong, and was later known as monuments, quiet.
Qing tablet: next to several tablet was the tablet in the qing dynasty, qing monuments, mainly introces the Wu Houci reconstruction and maintenance; Opposite the Ming stone: and the tablet is the Ming monuments, Ming monuments, emphatically introces the history of the temple. Under the Ming monuments have carved out of a whole animal. It is legend "dragon born nine son" the sixth son of straining, aka bully, it shaped like a tortoise, life good weight, strength, stele base GuiFu is his portrait. Legend in ancient times often carried three mountain in the mountains, make waves in the rivers and lakes. Dayu water conservancy lined up it later, it obey the direction of dayu mountain trench, dredging river again, made contribution to water conservancy. Down by the flood, dayu worry under the bully and omnipresent, moved to pierced the heavy stone, carved on the water conservancy work under on the trail, called the next carried on, and it can't literally walking heavy stone. Bully and tortoise is very similar, but there are differences, look under the bully has a row of teeth, and the turtle is not, under the bully and turtle carapace on number and shape of the nail plate also have differences. Under the bully said Shi Gui again, it is a symbol of longevity and lucky. It is always difficult to head high head forward, four feet desperately trying to hold on, struggling to move forward, but always moving step does not open. Some prominent in China stone base are carried by the bully, in the forest of steles and some sites can be seen in the resort.
『柒』 四川成都有什麼風景名勝及其介紹
阿壩藏族羌族自治州和甘 孜藏族自治州(地處四川西部的高原區域)
四川省有天台山、青城山、千佛山、四姑娘山、蒙頂山、峨眉山、白雲山、鳳凰山、凌雲山、金城山、夏衍山、西嶺雪山、竇圌山、華鎣山等著名山峰。 成都從古至今都有「天府之國」的美稱,因為成都是一座景色秀麗、氣候宜人的城市,因為它地處於龍門、邛崍山脈之中,獨特的自然歷史環境,孕育了整個川西平原。
別名: 錦里
在武侯祠旁邊有個高約7米的門樓,這就是是錦里的入口。錦里全長約340米,主要依託成都武侯祠,北鄰錦江,東望彩虹橋,以秦漢、三國精神為靈魂,明、清風貌作外表,川西民風、民俗作內容,歷史與現代有機結合,擴大了三國文化的外延,古老的祠堂又注入了新的活力。 錦里古街目前主要包括酒吧娛樂區、四川餐飲名小吃區、府第客棧區、特色旅遊工藝品展銷區等幾大部分。走在錦里,所有的東西都體現著三國文化與川西文化:三顧園、諸葛連弩、曹營壩咖啡吧……從玩的、看的、住的、買的,到三大炮、軍屯鍋盔、白家肥腸粉、牛肉焦餅、三過蕎面、米酒等精緻的小吃、飲料,錦里作為一個了解四川文化的窗口的地方被稱為「成都版清明上河圖」,是成都之旅的一個亮點。
四川省博物館是一座具有地方特色的綜合性省級歷史博物館。在過去的四十年內,該館曾發掘、清理了數以千計的古代遺址和墓葬。目前這里除經常陳列展出三千三百多件古代和近、現代文物外,還舉辦各種臨時性或紀念性的專題展覽。通過這些陳列展覽對群眾進行生動形象的歷史知識和革命傳統教育,使人們從中了解四川歷史發展簡況和地方文化的特徵。 黃龍溪古鎮內,明清時代的建築比比皆是,仍然保存完好。青石板鋪就的街面,木柱青瓦的樓閣房舍,鏤刻精美的欄桿窗欞,無不給人以古樸寧靜的感受。鎮內還有 六棵樹齡均在千年以上的大榕樹,枝繁葉茂,遮天蔽日,雄渾厚重,給古鎮更增添了許多靈氣。鎮內現還保存有鎮江寺、潮音寺和古龍寺三座古廟,每年農歷六月初 九和九月初九的廟會,還能再現昔日古鎮的喧鬧場面。
幽深的老街,彎彎曲曲,街道兩旁有眾多小飯店,門前大多飄著一面藍底白字的酒旗,什麼"魚香子"、"呂回頭"、"唐酥店"等,在風中不停地舞 動著招徠著客人。古鎮的石磨豆花非常有名,幾乎每家都會做,但又各有特色。走過一條街,又見一道巷,腳下光溜溜的青石路,烏黑發亮的門板,古色古香的招 牌,透著濃濃古意。
古鎮上,最有特色的還有它的茶館,路兩旁、河堤上、竹林下,"一"字展開的竹台、竹椅、竹凳,還有花花綠綠的太陽傘,成為古鎮上一道誘人的風 景。喝茶對於古鎮上的人來說,那是與吃飯並列的頭等大事,馬虎不得。他們用本地產的茉莉花,沖在蓋碗里,一些茶館有時也有上好的竹葉青、峨眉雪蕊這樣的好 川茶。一碗茶兩三塊錢,便可以坐一天,尤其是老人們,大清早上館子遛鳥兼喝茶,花錢不多,卻是一種悠閑、雅緻的享受
『捌』 四川有哪些名勝古跡