㈠ 鼎湖山的主要景點
又名龍潭飛瀑,位於鼎湖山南半山腰、慶雲古剎下東側。 去飛水潭,由榮睿碑亭拾級登山,沿曲徑雲封直上,至半山腰向右拐,過眠綠亭即可。當然,亦可在榮壑碑亭前面的山溪邊起步,一直溯溪而上。這里,山石嶙峋,瀑布從40多米高的崖頂深處狂奔而來,直往下飛瀉,忽而形成千尺飛流,如白練懸空,忽而濺作滿空雨花,如輕紗曼舞。瀑布下,如注的水流匯成一泓碧水,中有巨石,上刻枕流2字。
辛亥革命後,孫中山先生偕夫人宋慶齡游覽鼎湖山時,曾在此游泳,現崖壁上刻有宋慶齡手書的孫中山游泳處6個大字。潭水由此再往下傾瀉,繼而形成另一個深潭,據傳為蟄龍窟,故曰:浴龍池。 飛水潭側建有更衣室,崖間建有觀瀑亭,崖壁鐫刻著許多贊美飛水潭的摩崖大字和方寸小楷,如噴雪、能移我情、天然圖畫、飛泉咽危石等,頗有詩情畫意。 夏日到此,觀瀑、游泳、濯足,均感遍體清涼,煩熱頓消。
㈡ 英語小作文:廣東肇慶鼎湖山介紹,200字左右,初二水平
是一曲青春的歌,輕吟淺唱,溫柔靈動;母愛更是一絲心弦,絲絲入扣,餘味十足。\x09 記得著名的思想家曾經說過,這世界上最美的呼喚就是「媽媽」,「媽媽」,這是一個多麼美好的形容詞啊!伴隨著我度過了叛逆的時光,在不知不覺中撥動了我那余僵硬的心弦。\x09\x09 天不知不覺的又涼了,窗外的風如怒吼的野獸般咆哮著,寒風肆意侵入我的身體,冰冷刺骨,我不由打了一個寒顫。忽然,床上的一件鮮紅的棉布馬夾映入了我的眼簾,剎那間,我的心猛然的一顫,緩緩地,一股暖流加雜著一種莫名的情思湧上心頭,思緒瞬間又飄到了一年前的冬季。 \x09 「靜兒,媽媽給你弄了一件棉布馬夾,來看看!」一聲溫柔的叫喚流進耳邊,我一聽,如同五臟六腑中都塞滿了蜜一樣跑到媽媽面前,可我看到眼前的這件衣服時,剛才的喜悅瞬間凝結掙了一種失望,什麼嘛!一件過了時
㈢ 用英語介紹廣東肇慶
Zhaoqing city is located in Guangdong Province,the Midwest,is a famous tourist city,has a long history.Zhaoqing total area of 15000 square kilometers,a population of about 4000000 people.A pleasant climate,summer is not too hot,not too cold in winter.Zhaoqing has many tourist attractions,which has the big dipper and Dinghu mountain,their beautiful scenery every year attracts tourists from all over the.Zhaoqing since the Tang Dynasty to the Duan inkstone is famous.
㈣ 哪位英語高人幫忙翻譯一下肇慶七星岩導游詞
各位團友,大家好!歡迎大家參加我們青年旅行社的這次肇慶游兩天團。今天有幸陪同大家一起參觀,我很高興,望各位能夠一起共度美好的時光。首先,自我介紹一下。我是這次行程的導游,我叫XXX,大家可以叫我明仔或朱仔就行了。 下面,我就來講一講大家最關心的行程,看看我們都要去哪些好玩地方玩。我們這次是游覽肇慶,肇慶是國家級歷史文化名城,首批中國優秀旅遊城市。以七星岩、鼎湖山組成的星湖風景名勝區是國家首批重點風景名勝區,也是全國首批十大文明風景旅遊示範點之一。我們今天第一站首先要去的就是七星岩、七星岩,湖水面積達 530公頃,七座挺拔的岩峰,狀如天上北斗七星。湖中有山、山中有洞、洞中有河,被譽為「嶺南第一奇觀」。有「嶺南第一奇觀」美稱的七星岩位於肇慶市區北郊。七座形態各異的峻峭石灰岩屹立湖上,其布局形似天上北斗七星,故名「七星岩」。分別命名為閬風岩、玉屏岩、石室岩、天柱岩、蟾蜍岩、仙掌岩、阿坡岩。七星岩由五湖、六崗、七岩、八洞組成。列峙如北斗的七座岩峰鑲嵌在六點五平方公里碧波盪漾的湖面上,構成了如詩如畫般的景觀;東有仙女觀佛、千年古廟(出米洞);西有波海朝暉;南有牌坊夜色、亞洲第一音樂噴泉;北有阿波湧泉(雙源洞)、東方禪林(五百羅漢島);中有玉屏疊翠、狀元留芳、水月岩雲、石室藏奇、千年詩廊、天柱摘星、仙掌秋風等景點,讓人留連忘返。 七星岩以集「桂林之山,杭州之水」而聞名海內外。七星岩坐落在城區中心,背靠北嶺山脈。因七座奇峰列峙如北斗星,故得名。七星岩的來歷傳說很多,有說七星岩的七座山峰是女媧補天時留下的七塊靈石;有說是天上七仙女羨慕人間、獨愛肇慶而下凡不歸,等等。 七星岩的開辟,始於唐代初年,此後歷代皆有開發建設。新中國成立後,通過理山治水,園林綠化,修葺古跡,增添新景,建設旅遊設施,使七星岩更添迷人風韻。1982年成為國務院批準的第一批國家重點風景名勝區。 七星岩風景區由閬風、玉屏、石室、天柱、蟾蜍、仙掌、阿坡等七座奇峰以及東湖、青蓮湖、中心湖、波海湖、內湖等五個大湖組成。整個景區山環水繞,亭樓閣榭,波光岩影,渾為一體,自然風光絕佳,向有「嶺南第一奇觀」、「人間仙景」、「天然山水盆景」之美譽。千多年來不知傾倒了多少名人墨客,留下了不計其數的詩文。「借得西湖水一圈,更移陽朔七堆山;堤邊添上絲絲柳,畫幅長留天地間。」葉劍英委員長的詩句高度概括了七星岩風景的詩情畫意。七星
That the group, everyone! Welcome to the travel agents to participate in our youth a two-day tour of the Mission Zhaoqing. Today, accompanied by everyone fortunate enough to visit, I am very happy, hope you will be able to share good times together. First of all, to introce myself. I am a tour guide this trip, I called XXX, you can call me or Zhu Ming Tsai on the list. Now, I have to talk about the journey we are most concerned about, take a look at what we have to go to fun places to play. This is the tour we Zhaoqing, Zhaoqing is a national historical and cultural city, the first batch of China's excellent tourist city. To Qixingyan, Dinghushan Xinghu composed of scenic spots is the first batch of key national scenic spots and is also the first batch of ten national demonstration sites of civilization, one of the tourism landscape. First of all, our first stop today is going to Qixingyan, Qixingyan, the lake area of 530 hectares, of Yanfeng 7 tall and straight, the sky like a big dipper. Lake in the mountains, the mountains are holes, the holes have a river, known as the "first Lingnan wonders." The "wonders of the Lingnan first" name the Qixingyan located on the northern outskirts of Zhaoqing. Seven different forms of limestone stacks standing lake, the Big Dipper layout of the shape of the sky, named "Qixingyan." Wind Langzhong named Rock, yuping rock, stone chamber rock, Tianzhu Rock, Toad Rock, Rock仙掌, the Arab-Israeli rock slope. Lake Qixingyan five or six posts, seven rocks, composed of eight holes. Out of seven Wei Beidou Yanfeng as mounted on the 6.5 square kilometers of the lake rippling blue waves, constitutes a picturesque landscape like; east fairy Buddhist concept, the Millennium Temple (a m-dong); West wave Zhaohui sea; south gate the night, the first musical fountain in Asia; north Awa springs (al-source-dong), Eastern Buddhist temple (500 Ocean Island); in yuping Pinnacle, champion Liu-fang, the moon in the water rock clouds, Shishi possession odd poem Millennium Gallery, Tianzhu Reaching for the Stars, such as wind仙掌spots, favorite people to linger. Qixingyan to set "Mountain Guilin, Hangzhou Water" and is famous at home and abroad. Qixingyan is located in the City Center, backed by mountains, Northridge. Qi Zhi 7 out because if the Big Dipper, it got its name. Qixingyan many legends of the origin, it said that the seven peaks Qixingyan Nuwa 7 Sky-Hole Patching Lingshi left; there are said to be the envy of the world the sky seven fairies, independence and love zhaoqing下凡not return, and so on. Qixingyan the opening of the Tang Dynasty began in the early years, after which both the development and construction of history. After new China was founded, through the rationale for mountain water, landscaping, repair of monuments, adding a new downturn, the construction of tourist facilities, so that even more fascinating charm Qixingyan. Approval of the State Council in 1982 to become the first national key scenic spots. Langzhong Qixingyan Scenic Area by the wind, yuping, Shishi, Tianzhu, toads,仙掌, slope, such as Afghanistan and East Lake 7 Qifeng, Qinglian Lake, Center Lake, Baltic lake, Lake in the composition of the five Great Lakes. The whole ring of water around the scenic mountain, pavilion pavilion pavilion, shimmering rock video, the issue as a whole, the best natural scenery, to have "the first wonder of Lingnan", "human-xian JING", "natural landscape bonsai" of reputation. Over the years thousands of famous people do not know how many letters mped and left countless poems. "West Lake water by a circle, but also shift reactor Yangshuo Mountain 7;堤邊Liu added fishes, long frame between heaven and earth to stay." Chairman Ye Jianying's poem summarizes the Qixingyan highly poetic landscape. Qixing
㈤ 急需肇慶七星岩、紫雲谷、鼎湖山的經典的英文介紹。
樓主可以參考肇慶盤古山風景區的介紹 他們有介紹肇慶周邊景區的
㈥ 幫忙翻譯成英語!!急!!!
鼎湖山飛水潭,又名龍潭飛瀑,位於鼎湖山南半山腰、慶雲古剎下東側。 去飛水潭,由榮睿碑亭拾級登山,沿曲徑雲封直上,至半山腰向右拐,過眠綠亭即可。當然,亦可在榮壑碑亭前面的山溪邊起步,一直溯溪而上。這里,山石嶙峋,瀑布從40多米高的崖頂深處狂奔而來,直往下飛瀉,忽而形成千尺飛流。
Buddhist pilgrims
Dinghu mountain since the tang dynasty is the famous buddhist holy land and tourist resorts. In qing dynasty, QingYunSi scale, become more lingnan four famous list. Dinghu mountain because covered with dense forests and contain rich springs, to set up a 1000 appearance the stream waterfalls. Deep natural landscape, the thing two streams formed two major scenic spot: TianXi scenic spot, cloud creek scenic spot. The 90's new development of dinghu mountain new scenic spot: heavenly lake scenic spot.
Baoding garden
Baoding dinghu mountain is the recent development of dinghu mountain a new luminescent spot. Ding is a symbol of Chinese ancient culture. Zhaoqing dinghu located in baoding garden of dinghu mountain scenic area, covering an area of about traits 1.3 million square meters, garden castle peak encircle, beautiful scenery. In baoding under the lake of garden mountain valleys and connected to the newly opened a butterfly valley adventure LvYouXian. You can see the black sign at national level and rare plants such as natural forest scenery, seven or eight waterfalls, run-length about an hour, are popular with tourists welcome.
Fly shallowness
Dinghu mountain fly waterhole, another name longtan waterfalls, located in south mountainside, igawa cloud dinghu located under the monastery. To fly waterhole, by RongRui pavilion laid mountaineering, along the winding path cloud sealing straight in, to the right, after sleeping green pavilion can. Of course, yi ke in honor of He pavilion front edge Brooks has been started, tracing the creek. Here, flying from more than 40 bony, waterfalls top precipice crest meters high and deep run down, go straight to FeiXie, suddenly FeiLiu formed a thousand feet.
㈦ 肇慶鼎湖山有哪些好玩的景點
㈧ 鼎湖山有什麼著名景點
㈨ 鼎湖山的泉水作文50字
㈩ 鼎湖山的風景介紹
鼎湖山是嶺南四大名山之一,於肇慶城區東北18公里,位於北緯23°10',東經112°31'。因地球上版北回歸線穿過的地方大都是沙權漠或乾草原,所以鼎湖山又被中外學者譽為"北回歸線上的綠寶石" 。 1956年,鼎湖山成為我國第一個自然保護區。1979年又成為我國第一批加入聯合國教科文組織"人與生物圈"計劃的保護區,建立了"人與生物圈"研究中心,成為國際性的學術交流和研究基地。