① 求一個介紹世界旅遊景點的英語PPT
asia 亞洲
the himalayas 喜馬拉雅山
great wall, china 中國長城
forbidden city, beijing, china 北京故宮
mount fuji, japan 日本富士山
taj mahal, india 印度泰姬陵
angkor wat, cambodia 柬埔寨吳哥窟
bali, indonesia 印度尼西亞巴厘島
borobur, indonesia 印度尼西亞波羅浮屠
sentosa, singapore 新加坡聖淘沙
crocodile farm, thailand 泰國北欖鱷魚湖
pattaya beach, thailand 泰國芭堤雅海灘
babylon, iraq 伊拉克巴比倫遺跡
mosque of st, sophia in istanbul (constantinople), turkey 土耳其聖索非亞教堂
africa 非洲
suez canal, egypt 印度蘇伊士運河
aswan high dam, egypt 印度阿斯旺水壩
nairobi national park, kenya 肯亞內羅畢國家公園
cape of good hope, south africa 南非好望角
sahara desert 撒哈拉大沙漠
pyramids, egypt 埃及金字塔
the nile, egypt 埃及尼羅河
oceania 大洋洲
great barrier reef 大堡礁
sydney opera house, australia 悉尼歌劇院
ayers rock 艾爾斯巨石
mount cook 庫克山
easter island 復活節島
europe 歐洲
notre dame de paris, france 法國巴黎聖母院
effiel tower, france 法國艾菲爾鐵塔
arch of triumph, france 法國凱旋門
elysee palace, france 法國愛麗舍宮
louvre, france 法國盧浮宮
kolner dom, koln, germany 德國科隆大教堂
leaning tower of pisa, italy 義大利比薩斜塔
colosseum in rome, italy 義大利古羅馬圓形劇場
venice, italy 義大利威尼斯
parthenon, greece 希臘巴台農神廟
red square in moscow, russia 莫斯科紅場
big ben in london, england 英國倫敦大笨鍾
buckingham palace, england 白金漢宮
hyde park, england 英國海德公園
london tower bridge, england 倫敦塔橋
westminster abbey, england 威斯敏斯特大教堂
monte carlo, monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡羅
the mediterranean 地中海
the americas 美洲
niagara falls, new york state, usa 美國尼亞加拉大瀑布
bermuda 百慕大
honolulu, hawaii, usa 美國夏威夷火奴魯魯
panama canal 巴拿馬大運河
yellowstone national park, usa 美國黃石國家公園
statue of liberty, new york city, usa 美國紐約自由女神像
times square, new york city, usa 美國紐約時代廣場
the white house, washington dc., usa 美國華盛頓白宮
world trade center, new york city, usa 美國紐約世界貿易中心
central park, new york city, usa 美國紐約中央公園
yosemite national park, usa 美國尤塞米提國家公園
grand canyon, arizona, usa 美國亞利桑那州大峽谷
hollywood, california, usa 美國加利佛尼亞好萊塢
disneyland, california, usa 加利佛尼亞迪斯尼樂園
las vegas, nevada, usa 美國內華達拉斯威加斯
miami, florida, usa 美國佛羅里達邁阿密
metropolitan museum of art, new york city, usa 紐約大都會藝術博物館
acapulco, mexico 墨西哥阿卡普爾科
cuzco, mexico 墨西哥庫斯科
② 求一篇關於介紹河南旅遊景點的英文。。任何一個景點都行。
少林寺是中國漢傳佛教禪宗祖庭,始建於495年(北魏太和十九年)。32年後,印度名僧菩提達摩來到少林寺傳授禪法,敕就少室山為佛陀立寺,供給衣食。此後寺院逐漸擴大,僧徒日益增多,少林寺聲名大振。達摩被稱為中國佛教禪宗的初祖,少林寺稱為禪宗的祖庭。唐初,林十三棍僧救駕李世民有功,獲得了空前的發展,博得了「天下第一名剎」的美譽。民國時期被軍閥石友三幾乎焚毀殆盡。1982年後,國家為方便中外文化交流對少林寺進行了大規模修復重建,現已形成以山門、天王殿、大雄殿、藏經閣、方丈室、立雪亭、西方聖人殿為主題的嵩山少林建築群,使千年古剎煥發出新的光彩。 嵩山上主要有許多名寺名廟,它們是旅遊者頗愛光顧游覽的重點,但旅遊者在游歷寺廟時有四忌需牢記心頭,以免引起爭執和不快。一忌稱呼不當。對寺廟的僧人、道人應尊稱為「師」或「法師」,對主持僧人應稱其為「長老」、「方丈」、「禪師」。喇嘛廟中的僧人稱其「喇嘛」,即「上師」意,忌直稱為「和尚」、「出家人」,甚至其它污辱性稱呼。二忌禮節失當。與僧人見面常見的行禮方式為雙手合十,微微低頭,或單手豎掌於胸前、頭略低,忌用握手、擁抱、摸僧人頭部等不當之禮節。三忌談吐不當。與僧人道人交談,不應提及殺戮之辭、婚配之事,以及食用腥葷等話,以免引起僧人反感。四忌行為舉止失當。游歷寺廟時不可大聲喧嘩、指點議論、妄加嘲諷或隨便亂走、亂動寺廟之物,尤禁亂摸亂刻神像,如遇佛事活動應靜立默視或悄然離開。
③ 求一份英文介紹國內旅遊景點的PPT
④ 英語介紹旅遊景點的PPT
可以在網路上輸入中文景點+英文景點,點回車就可以查到。 如:北京紫禁城Beijing
⑤ 旅遊景點介紹ppt 英文的
China Trip: http://19ct.com
⑥ 求英語PPT有關旅遊景點的介紹
⑦ 關於河南風景.小吃.旅遊景點的英文作文 介紹給外國人的那種 我需要河南小吃的介紹 英文的
⑧ 求一個英文介紹旅遊地點的的PPT
介紹廈門的。。Xiamen is situated on the southeast coast of Fujian Province, at the estuary of Jiulong River. It lies at 118degree 04' 04'' east longitude and 24degree 26' 46'' north latitude. At the back of Xiamen lies the Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Plain, and facing Xiamen across the Taiwan Strait are Taiwan Island and the Penghu Islands.
Xiamen City comprises Xiamen Island proper, Gulangyu (Gulang Island) and the coastal part of north Jiulong River. It has a land area of more than 1565.09 square kilometers and a sea area of 300 square kilometers.Because of such favourable conditions, Xiamen becomes an international seaport scenery city.
The island proper covers an area of 128.14 square kilometers, with a length of 13.7 kilometers from south to north and a width of 12.5 kilometers from east to west which is the fourth largest island of Fujian province. The Xiamen Habour, which is a harbour of the strait type, has a coastal line that zigzags to 234 kilometers. Many other islands scattered all along
of Xiamen island and hills and mountains surrounded inside this charming place.It is a natural harbor with deep water that is ice-free all the year round. Xiamen has always been an important seaport of foreign trade of southeast coast ever since the ancient times.
Xiamen has a subtropical climate. It is generally mild and temperate with abundant rainwater. It has an average annual temperature of approximately 21℃. Winter in Xiamen is not harsh while summer is free from extreme heat.The city has an average annual rainfall of about 1200mm, mainly concentrated on the months from May to August. Wind power measures between Grade 3 to 4 in general, with northeast wind representing the dominant wind direction. Because of the air currents resulting from the difference in temperature in the Pacific, Xiamen is affected by typhoon three to four times annually on average, which mainly comes ring the months from July to September.
In May of 2003,authorized by State Council, Xiamen adjusted part of administrative districts layout. Mainly content are as follows:First,Combine Siming District,Gulangyu Island and Kaiyuan District as a whole district named Siming. Original 3 districts are administrated by Siming District. Second,Xinglin District street office and Xinglin town are administrated by Jimei District.Xinglin District is renamed as Haicang District. Third,set Xiang』an District which administrated five towns originally belong to Tong』an District,they are:Xindian,Xinyu,Maxiang,NeiCe and Daden.Currently there are six districts under the administration of Xiamen: Siming, Huli, Jimei ,Haicang,Tong'an and Xiang』an.
Except majority of Han Chinese in Xiamen,it also has other more than 20 different ethnic groups such as Hui,Manchu,Zhuang,She,Miao and Goashan etc. Because of geographic environment and historical background, Xiamen has lots of returned oversea Chinese and their families, and oversea Chinese with Xiamen registered permanent residence from Macao,Hongkong and Taiwan.
⑨ 求一個介紹中國著名旅遊景點的PPT,要求英語文字說明,英語不需要太多,急求啊
⑩ 平頂山旅遊景點英文介紹
快捷便利的交通網路。從市區乘特快、直快列車可達北京、武漢、重慶、宜昌、上海、成都、鄭州、洛陽等大中城市;公路有207、311國道和兩條省道穿境而過。平頂山系移民性城市,人員來自全國各地,觀念新潮前衛,易於接受新思想、新文化。平頂山人均年收入達 9800 多元,居河南省第二,消費水平較高,商業發達,國內外知名品牌深受消費者的青睞,是國內外知名廠家拓展市場的理想市。
Pingdingshan City of Henan Province is located in central and southern Taiwan, e to urban construction in the "flat top, such as cut" under the name of pingdingshan. City built in 1957, has now become the energy and raw materials instries as the mainstay, coal, electricity and chemical instrial complex development of the emerging instrial city.現轄Yu, Wugang two county-level cities and Baofeng, Jia County, Lushan, in four counties, as well as葉縣Xinhua, Wei-dong, Cham River, Shilong four districts. The total area of 7882 square kilometers, with a total population of 4,700,000, of which built-up area population of 600,000.
Pingdingshan City's history can be traced back to five or six thousand years ago. Neolithic裴李崗文化existing primitive society, Yangshao Culture and Longshan Culture sites. Zhou Dynasty, the country is here. Found in historical records as early as 1324 BC, "Zuo Zhuan", "The Book of Songs," "Historical Records" and other books have recorded. Yuan Jie Tang Dynasty poet, the Southern Song's牛皋, Shou Ming Medical Waterloo, Spring and Autumn Period Mocius thinker, a writer in the Qing Dynasty Luyuan Lee, leader of peasant uprising in modern Bailang, surnamed Ye Chinese ancestor, known as a politician Ye Shen Liang from all the growth in this manner. History文人墨客Confucius, Li Bai, Han Yu, Yan Zhenqing, Liu希夷, Su, Ouyang Xiu, Fan Zhongyan Adams, etc., or an official or roaming this side, left a valuable spiritual wealth.
Pingdingshan superior natural environment. A warm temperate continental monsoon climate, four seasons, mild climate and abundant rainfall, long frost-free period, and suitable for a wide range of crops and the growth of plants and animals. Wheat and tobacco are the two advantages of crops, of which the proction of the famous tobacco is one of the three largest tobacco-procing areas.
Pingdingshan There are many scenic spots and historical sites. Millennium Temple Wind Temple Point, Great Northern Song Dynasty writer Su Shi's son's cemetery - graves three Su, Shirengou picturesque Mountain Nature Reserve, set mountains, forests, lakes, the city as one of Wugang City, State Shimantan Forest Park, as Shenquan Yu Qiong hot soup and so on.
At present, the New Stone Age have been discovered the previous 37 ancient cultural sites, commercial sites and the ancient city of weeks to the Ming Dynasty tomb 19, temple temple 6. Alone show the natural scenery scenic spots (pending state-level) - Shirengou Hill, the Millennium Temple (national key units to be protected) - Wind Point Temple, Song writer Su Shi's son large cemetery - the Soviet Union three graves, civilization far and near the Xiangshan Temple, Spring and Autumn Period outstanding thinker and strategist, at home and abroad ancestor surname Ye - Ye Shen Liang from the cemetery, from the Ming Dynasty Chenghua Macrobrachium years thanks to the families build lecture Min Department of Shangshu Office - Ziyun College and Shimantan National Forest Park, Ping West Lake and other major attractions, unique landscape, giving the tourists away.
High-speed and efficient transport network. By express from the city, direct fast train up to Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Yichang, Shanghai, Cheng, Zhengzhou, Luoyang and medium-sized cities, etc.; there are 207,311 state highway and two provincial highway passing through. Pingdingshan city Department of immigrants, people from all over the country, the concept of avant-garde fashion, easy to accept new ideas, new culture. Pingdingshan per capita annual income of more than 9800 yuan, ranking the second in Henan Province, the higher the level of consumption, business development, domestic and foreign well-known brands by consumers is well-known manufacturers at home and abroad to expand the city an ideal market.