A. 土耳其旅行简介
土耳其共和国(土耳其语:Türkiye Cumhuriyeti)是一个横跨欧亚两洲的国家,面积约783,562平方公里。国土包括西亚的安纳托利亚半岛、以及巴尔干半岛的东色雷斯地区。北临黑海,南临地中海,东南与叙利亚、伊拉克接壤,西临爱琴海,并与希腊以及保加利亚接壤,东部与格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和伊朗接壤。在安纳托利亚半岛和东色雷斯地区之间的,是博斯普鲁斯海峡、马尔马拉海和达达尼尔海峡,属黑海海峡,别称土耳其海峡,是连接黑海以及地中海的唯一航道。海岸线长7200公里,陆地边境线长2648公里[1]。其首都是位处安纳托利亚高原正中央的安卡拉。
土耳其旅游景点介绍之美食,土耳其菜肴一般包括酱汁美味配谷类食物、各种蔬菜、肉类、汤、橄榄油拌凉菜、糕点以及野菜,还有很多健康食品如熬成糖浆的葡萄汁、酸奶、蒸荞麦等。从一个地区到另一个地区,人们的口味发生着变化,因此形成了不同的饮食习惯,这种不同的饮食习惯在特殊场合、庆祝仪式和纪念活动中产生了一种近乎神圣的新含义。 土耳其料理在世界上是很有名的。尽管精心做出的料理看起来十分简单,但其新鲜材料所具有的鲜美味道是一般佳肴无法媲美的。料理的种类也非常多:有各种汤菜,有种类繁多的凉菜,以及各种肉料理和鱼料理。饭后,还有著名的土耳其点心和糕点等,最后是土耳其咖啡。在土耳其国内种植着各种各样的水果、蔬菜,另外由于土耳其三面环海,盛产多种多样的鱼类。所以土耳其料理全部使用新鲜的材料制成。 橄榄油凉拌菜:橄榄油则是由新鲜的油橄榄果实直接冷榨而成,不经加热和化学处理,保留了天然营养成分。不仅营养丰富,更是清新自然。 新鲜蔬菜洗净切块后加盐,再浇上橄榄油,美好的滋味,既清新又健康,让人心旷神怡! 土耳其烤肉:到了土耳其,见到了真正的土耳其烤肉,才知道在国内对土耳其烤肉了了解是那么的贫乏。 壮观的烤肉柱、四溢的香气充满了大街小巷、商场、饭店、车站、游乐场所、居民区,已成为欧美街头一道亮丽的风景线。 其经久不衰的火爆场面令人叹为观止,流连忘返。 土耳其烤肉全球都很有名,它分为转烤、二烤、串烤和阿达纳烤肉等。
轮船——土耳其海运提供了很多条合适观光的航线,这些航线分别从伊斯坦布尔的加拉塔桥(Galata Bridge)、斯克西(Sirkeci)、艾敏厄努(Eminonu)出发,最好事先预定,博斯普鲁斯海峡两岸也有对开航线。
到土耳其旅游,购物是最大的乐趣之一。各具特色的土耳其手工艺品琳琅满目,令人爱不释手。除了可以买到现代的商品之外,还有来自土耳其乡村和各省的传统手工艺品。游客可以买到家居用品和厨房用具,除此之外还有许多极具土耳其传统风格的装饰品。 最受度假者欢迎的当然是地毯,许多商店都出售各种皮革和山羊皮制品,黄铜和青铜器皿,银器,陶器,手工艺品,刺绣,以及著名的土耳其海泡石烟斗和缟玛瑙。土耳其地毯是最经典的土耳其旅游纪念品。 海泡石烟斗:海泡石是一种极轻质、吸收性极佳的稀有白色硬质黏土矿石。最优质、最适合用于烟斗制作的海泡石原料,产自伊斯坦布尔东南约200英里Eskisehir地区的地下400英尺深处。 海泡石烟斗用久了,在烟油和手汗的内外共同作用下,会散发出自然、深邃和高贵的棕金色。虽然海泡石质脆易碎,但仍极受烟斗爱好者的欢迎和追捧。 丝巾--穆斯林国家的女性都得包头巾,所以丝巾也成为她们最重要的装饰品。阿拉伯风格的纹饰、四周的蕾丝或小珠子、以及艳丽的色彩,确实非常吸引目光。
土耳其的气候因地区不同而有所不同,可分为黑海性气候的黑海沿岸、大陆性气候的内陆、地中海性气候的爱琴海和地中海沿岸部。四面环海的土耳其海岸线长达八千公里。 土耳其沿海地区属于亚热带地中海气候,内陆高原比较干旱,向热带草原和沙漠型气候过渡。温差较大。内陆高原1月平均气温在0摄氏度以下,全年平均气温为16至22摄氏度。年降雨量平均在200至400毫米。峡谷地区1月平均气温高达7至9摄氏度;7月平均气温在25至30摄氏度之间。全年降水量600 至800毫米。沿海地区全年降雨量为500至700毫米。 禁忌: 土耳其社会等级化仍旧比较明显,对老人或有地位的人要表示恭敬。男女之前需要保持一定距离,避免亲吻。人们在进入清真寺前要脱鞋,而当游览尖塔时则要把鞋穿上。清真寺的宗教场所,会限制非伊斯兰教教徒入内,或开放时间有所不同。 土耳其是个颇讲究的民族,朋友见面先亲吻左、右脸颊,不太熟悉的则握手。到别人家里做客时要脱鞋。不要和情人在公共场合搂搂抱抱,这些被视为有碍观瞻。 土耳其人辟邪的“宝物”是“邪恶的眼睛”。许多人随时随地带这种蓝色的玻璃护身符,用以吸引邪恶之神的注意,逃避厄运。土耳其到处都有卖,非常便宜。
棉花银行舞蹈节: 在伊斯坦布尔举办的棉花银行(Pamukbank)舞蹈节,汇集了世界著名的舞蹈团体;同样吸引世界著名舞蹈团体的还有音乐节,至今已举办了10届;汇聚土耳其音乐家和世界爵士大师的国际爵士音乐节;Yapi Kredi艺术节则从摇滚、流行到古典、爵士,演出时间分散在全年,号称“全年音乐节”;富士世界音乐节则是上述音乐节中最重要的一个。 安卡拉国际音乐节: 在首都安卡拉,Sevda Cenap基金会于每年四五月份都会主办安卡拉国际音乐节。 该音乐节为欧洲艺术节协会成员之一。第16届安卡拉国际音乐节于1999年举行,到目前为止,参加过该音乐节的著名艺术家已多达8000多人。 此外,土耳其合唱协会举办的土耳其合唱节,目的是在全国推广多声部合唱。 它吸引了成千上万的音乐爱好者,每年都有越来越多的合唱团受邀参加,听众人数也逐年攀升。 伊兹密尔国际艺术节: 一年一度的伊兹密尔国际艺术节由伊兹密尔文化艺术教育基金会举办。2000年,第16届伊兹密尔国际艺术节在一些历史遗迹举行,如埃菲斯古剧场、塞尔萨斯图书馆、圣母玛丽亚小屋。世界著名艺术家和团体每年都会聚集于此,表演管弦乐、室内乐、芭蕾舞、戏剧、爵士乐和流行乐。 安塔利亚电影节: 土耳其历史最悠久的电影节是安塔利亚电影节。它有时也被称为“土耳其电影业的奥斯卡”,2000年刚举办了40周年庆典。 另外两个深受土耳其影迷忠爱的电影节为安卡拉国际电影节和阿达纳.阿尔丁.库萨电影节。
B. 用英语介绍旅游景点
greatest building project in human history of civilization.
It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years ago.
After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.
Two generations of wise people have constructed The Great Wall intensively. Vast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called world miracle.
聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。
It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's ruins in offical days.
You will not only could witness Great Wall's apparance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , great wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.
它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。
C. 介绍土耳其的英文及翻译
D. 英语作文:介绍旅游景点
A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites, that will make great difference.
Travel can widen one’ knowledge. The farther you go, the more you will learn about different politics, economics, customs as well as geography. If you travel the whole world some day, you will fully understand the globe on which we live.
However, too much travel causes tiredness. You get on a bus or a taxi, you travel on the train or in a plane, being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another, that will make you exhausted after a while.
E. 意大利旅游景点英文介绍
Correll Museum (Museo Correr) provided an exciting course to discover Venice's art and the history. in 1830 was responsible by Teodoro Correr to collect the museum each kind of donation, the museum collection through the present, acts as a purchasing agent with the donation swift growth, thus constituted the Venice folk custom museum rich and the diverse collector. The museum course the time starts from Napoleon, this neoclassicism's palace after the Republic (in 1797) deteriorated became French and Italian king (in 1866) Venice type imperial family palace. Is demonstrating Venice's-like civilization and the multi-audiences in spacious and the solemn and respectful hall diverse and the ancient artistic collection. scenic spot address: Piazza San Marco n. how 52 30124 does Venezia arrive: Aquatic bus (Vaporetto): Line 1, Line 82, Line 51, Line 41 arrive under San Zaccaria, or Line 82, Line 1, to Vallaresso under opening hour: On November 1st - on March 31 09:00 - 17:00; On April 1st - on October 31 09:00 - 19:00, on December 25, on January 1 not open scenic spot telephone: +39 (0)41-2405211 scenic spot facsimile: +39 (0)41-5200935
Constructs as the Venice Republic governor's ruling hall at a 814 year Byzantine construction, because has encountered the multiple fire, present's building constructed at the 15th century's Gothic style construction. Linhe's south side and faces the small square the west side long more than 70 rice. The following two dolomite's sharp volume colonnade opens the porch, has the strong Gothic style style. The entrance occupies the temple right side, the treasure hall back. The inner courtyard had constructs “the great human ladder” in the early 16th century. on 30 level of marble stairs is standing erect the war-god and the sea god huge sculpture. In the building has one “the golden ladder”, because both sides spreads the golden wall, goes against has the magnificent mural, therefore its. The main hall room includes: Map hall, four entrance halls, assembly hall, ten person of halls, senior statesman hall and big assembly hall and so on. The interior decoration mainly by the oil painting, the mural primarily, performs the marble sculpture and the woodcarving. In the palace the great picture is extremely numerous, like the Uygur Luo nesser "Venice's Victory", dike Egypt slope Luo "Sea god Offers a gift to Venice" and so on outstanding drawing decoration. And request makes "Heaven" in two building's big trustee conference room's Ding the Thore the length 22 meters, the width 7 meters, select material from Dante "the Divine Comedy", in the picture has more than 700 characters, is explained for the world biggest oil painting. In the palace has also exhibited from the middle ages to modern each kind of weapon. From here staircase to `bridge of `sigh (Ponte dei Sospiri). It is said bridged over this bridge's prisoner not to be again impossible to return to this world to come up, therefore nearby bridge's small window sent out to say goodbye to the world, but not shed sigh. After visiting the underground prison cell, obtained conceivably in was at that time gloomy, in the cold jail the criminal how pitiful life. In addition, Casanova the story which escapes from prison from this prison cell is also famous. scenic spot address: How Piazza Matteotti 916123 does Genova arrive: Transportation motorboat: 1st, 6, 14, 41, 42, 51, 52 or 82 group opening hour: In November - in March, 09:00-17:00; In April - in October, 09:00-19:00 scenic spot telephone: (041) 522 4951 scenic spot facsimile: (041) 528 5028
In Asia holds the bridge
Has more than 400 bridges in Venice, as leads to the town center take the train station in Asia to hold the bridge to be most famous, other name commercial bridge, it uses the white marble to build completely, is Venice's symbol. The bridge length 48 meters, the width 22 meters, to water surface 7 meter high, bridge two with 1,2000 insertion water's in wooden stake support, on the bridge middle construct the hall Chinese style pavilion, stretches across in the Grand Canal. In Asia held the bridge to construct in 1180, was a wooden bridge originally, latter changed the hanging bridge. In a 1444 celebration, because is unable to withstand the load, the bridge breaks off. 1580~1592 years, rebuild for present's stone bridge. The bridge peak has one floats the pavilion, the both sides is more than 20 jewelry stores and sells the souvenir the stall, is one of Venice most important business districts, once reached as Europe's business center 300 year long time. Shakespeare's famous drama "the Venetian merchant" is take here as a background.
Scenic spot address: How Rialto does Bridge arrive: Walk: From train station to town center
Opening hour: Entire day
F. 跪求一篇关于国外旅游景点的英文介绍!
G. 英文介绍外国景点
老师叫我帮忙找介绍外国旅游的景点的英文文专章 埃菲尔属铁塔 The Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel, /tu f l/) is an iron tower built on the
H. 求一篇土耳其的英文介绍 七分钟左右
Agri Ishak Pasha Palace Though named as a "palace," the Ishak Pasha palace is more a kulliye. The palace is the most famous building after the Topkapi palace built in the 18th Century, ring the Lale period, in the classical style. The building is located on the slopes of a hill 5 km. From the Dogubeyazit town. Besides displaying one of the finest examples of the Ottoman architecture, the palace is also known for its diverse history. According to the inscription on the Takkapi gate in the Harem quarter, the palace is built in 1199 Hicri (the Moslem calendar), or 1784 A.D. The building hovers on firm, stony ground because of its location on a slope. Although the palace is located within the centre of the Dogu Beyazit region, three sides of the building (the northern, western, and southern sides) are surrounded by steep rocks. The only access to the palace is through a slightly flat pass. The main gate, the Cumle gate, of the palace is erected against this pass. Since the palace is erected at a time when the castles lost their geographical advantage and when firearms began to be used instead of the sword, the palace’s eastern wing defense is weak. The Cumle gate is made of traditionally carved and sculptured stone. Not many palaces built in the classical Turkish architectural style are left today. The Ishak Pasa Palace is one of them. The Carain Cave The cave is located 27 km. From Antalya at the Katran Mountains. The cave is a natural formation and was inhabited ring the prehistoric ages (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, chalcolithic). The cave yielded skeletons and objects, like dressed stone tools and weapons, processed flintstones, that shed light on life in the prehistoric ages. The Bust of Alexander the Great The bust of Alexander the Great was discovered ring the excavation of Pergamum. The bust found in Pergamum is part of a of the original statue of Alexander, a work by Lysippos, the personal sculptor of Alexander the Great. The bust dates from the 3rd Century B.C. The original Lysippos statue of Alexander has never been found, instead, there are several copies of the statue made in Greek and Roman periods. The Pergamum bust, the only piece remaining from the statue, is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Relief on Ivriz Hill The relief can be found at the spring of the Ivriz stream, 12 km. From Eregli - Konya. The 6.08 metres high relief was a religious sanctuary which dates back to the Late Hittite period in the 8th Century B.C. and depicts king Warpalavas giving offerings to Santaj, the Hittite god of fertility. For more information about the Hittites please refer to the Yazilikaya section of this site. Anadoluhisari Fortress Anadoluhisari on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus is the oldest Turkish building in Istanbul. It was constructed by the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I Yildirim in 1395, and later enlarged by Mehmet II (1451-1481) who built the outer walls. At the centre is a 25 m high square tower of four storeys, surrounded by a 20 m high wall 1.5 m thick in the form of an irregular pentagon. The 2 m thick outer wall measures 80 m from north to south and 65 m from east to west. As well as accommodation for the garrison the fortress contained its own mosque. Van Castle The Urartians constructed dozens of castles in this mountainous region of eastern Turkey, such as Toprakkale, Kalecik, Cavustepe, Edremit, Asagi Anfaz, Yukari Anfaz, Zengibar, Muradiye, Kecikiran, Hosap, Agarti, Delicay and Zernakitepe. The most important of all is undoubtedly Van Castle, which was built in the year 834 BC by King Sarr I of Urartu. The northern side rests against steep slopes and to the south are rocky cliffs. The castle measures 1800 m long by 1200 m wide, and within its walls are many royal tombs and inscriptions. Four walls surround the castle, two of Urartian construction, and two built nearly two thousand years later by the Akkoyunlu and Ottomans. In front of the north walls is an open air temple carved into the rock, and within the walls are a mosque, medrese, barracks and cisterns. Sultan Han (Alaeddin Kervansarai) The kervansarai is located in the town of Sultanhani, 40 km. From Aksaray. The han is one of the best examples of Selcuq architecture. As the greatest han built ring the Selcuq period, it was construv-cted by Alaeddin Keykubat I. In 1229. The han was renovated and expanded to a greater size in 1278 after a fire broke out. The architecture of the han is Muhammed bin Havlan el-Dimiski. The han is built on a plan of 50x110 m., and consists of a winter and a summer residence. The most significant part of the han are the reliefs on the Main Gate. Grand Bazaar Throughout the Byzantine period, the grand bazaar was a hectic open air centre for trade. Mehmet II. Continued this tradition but added two covered bedesten (the older version of the modern shopping malls today). The bazaar extended to an even greater scale by Suleyman I. (1520-1566). The last additions of bedesten shops in the bazaar were made in 1701. Misir Carsisi (Egyptian Bazaar) The Egyptian Bazaar (Misir Carsisi) It is the second covered bazaar of Istan- bul. Was built ring the era of Mehmet IV, in compliance with the request of Queen Mother Hatice Turhan. Built in 1660 by the architect Kasim Aga as part of the Yeni Camii Mosque Complex, the bazaar lies today next to the mosque. The bazaar has an ’L’ shape with six gates and 86 shops operating in the bazaar today. Kizkalesi The Castle of Korykos on shore faces another fort, Kizkalesi (Maiden’s Castle), that stands on a tiny island 200 meters offshore. Formerly a sea wall joined the two fortresses. The Maiden’s Castle is located 60 km. From Mersin, near the Erdemli town. It is assumed that the castle originally had a road connecting the castle to the mainland. The road eroded with time and the the castle remains separated from the mainland. The Maiden’s Castle, together with the Castle of Korykos, were built in the IV. Century B.C. by the Greek settlers to prevent assaults to the city of Korykos from the sea. The city of Korykos remained an important harbour in Southeastern Meditteranean until the XIII. Century A.D. The castle passed into Turkish hands when it was conquered by Ibrahim Bey of the Karamanoglu Principality in 1448 and was extensively renovated. The castle has a circumference of 900 m and eight towers 能不能把分给我?!
I. 新疆旅游景点英文介绍
Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is located in an alluvial fan-shaped basin on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains. The city opens on to the Junggar Basin in the north. In the Mongolian language, Urumqi means "Beautiful Meadow."
Hongshan Mountain is the highest spot in the center of the city. Hongshan’’ main peak is 464 meters above sea level. With towering crags, the mountain was named after the cliffs, which gleam red in the sun’’s rays every morning and evening. The upper part of the mountain looks like the head of a tiger, so it is also called "Tiger Head Mountain." It faces Yamalike Mountain, less than 1,000 meters away. At the foot of the mountain is the Urumqi River, flowing from north to south. On the top of Hongshan Mountain is a statue of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) national hero Lin Zexu. Standing at the "Yuantiao (looking far into the distance) Tower" on the mountain, one can view the whole city.
Heaven Lake
Tianchi (Heaven Lake) Natural Landscape Reserve is located at the foot of 5,44-meter Bogda Peak, the highest mountain in the eastern part of the Tianshan range. It covers an area of 158 square kilometers, including the 71-square-kilometer Tianchi Scenic Area, within which are 20 major scenic spots.
Located in the north-central part of the scenic area, Tianchi Lake is 1,910 meters above sea level, 3.3 kilometers long and one kilometer wide on average. The lake stores 160 million cubic meters of water all the year round. Tianchi Lake freezes up in late October and thaws in early May. In the meantime, the lake’’s surface is covered with ice one meter thick. In summer, the temperature stays at around 20 degrees C. It is a pleasant and comfortable place. Tianchi is not only a summer resort, but also a good alpine skating rink in winter. Coming from a glacier, the water of Tianchi Lake is pure and the ice surface is smooth. With a gentle breeze blowing most of the time, it is an ideal place for skating competitions.
No.1 Glacier
No. 1 Glacier is the source of the Urumqi River, located 120 kilometers form Urumqi on Mount Tiangar. It is 3,800 meters to 4,000 meters above sea level, 2.4 kilometers long, averages 500 meters wide and covers an area of 19,500 square kilometers. Surrounding it are 76 large and small younger glaciers.
1. Urumqi 乌鲁木齐
2. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区
3. Junggar Basin 准葛尔盆地