Ⅰ 南京旅游景点介绍:南京有什么好玩的地方
Ⅱ 用英语写出南京几个比较著名的旅游景点
Ⅲ 南京旅游景点的名称用英文怎么讲
“中山陵”的英文名称早已被确定为Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum,
Ⅳ 如何用英文介绍南京的旅游景点
梅园:, north lean on the south by the lake in wuxi city center, is apart from the longshan 5 kilometers, the transportation is convenient. China's national instry head of household rong zongjing and rong desheng ZhongKun in for the world of the organizing HongYuan, cloth fang in 1912 purchase was built in the garden, relies on the mountain plant mei, mei adorn mountain, called lo. The new century lo hengshan scenic spot set to become the natural landscape, historical sites, so different ou, landscape architecture and leisure fitness in one of the famous tourist resort.
雨花台:YuHuaTai is China's new-democratic revolution memorial place, is key cultural relic preservation organ, the patriotism ecation demonstration base, national aaaa-grade tourism and the first hundred red tourism scenic area, is a collection of classical ecation, travel, leisure and entertainment for the integration of jiangsu provincial memorial scenic spot.
夫子庙:Confucius temple namely, it is enshrined temple sacrifices and Confucius place. Confucius temple was built in song dynasty, Confucius temple is located in the north shore beside qinhuai river GongYuan street. Confucius temple in before the temple for the PanChi, sits qinhuai river stone wall for zhaobi, span 110 meters, 20 metres high, is the national zhaobi most. North star has gathered before the temple LeTing kiosks, thinking, On the central built lingxingmeng, dacheng door, DaChengDian, mingde hall, honour JingGe construction; Another temple and east kuixing cabinet.
朝天宫:In nanjing, jiangsu province water Simon inside. According to legend had had built FuCha peloponnesos prince of smelting city, jin built ou city temple, tang tai qing palace, the five dynasties prince changes in its YangPu built purple extremely palace. SongDaZhong temple-xiang (1008 ~ 1016) between, renamed temple-xiang palace, the renewal another kei view, yuan yuan zhen (1295 ~ 1296) years, change the forehead abstruse view, find liters dayuan xing YongShou palace.
瞻园:Giuliano garden is a national units of cultural relics protection. Is emperor qianlong OuYangXiuShi "look forward to YuTang, such as in heaven" named. Located in nanjing south ZhanYuanLu. Sits, 127 meters wide, deep things 15621 square meters, with a total area of 123 meters. So far there have been six hundred years history. Giuliano garden is a group of nanjing remaining well-preserved Ming dynasty classical garden architectures, and wuxi JiChangYuan, suzhou zhuozhengyuan and lingering and called "chiangnan four classical gardens".
中山陵:Sun yat-sen mausoleum is roc sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution of sun yat-sen mausoleum, located in the south east, nanjing city, jiangsu province, bordering on Friday MingXiaoLing, east perez-uzza soul valley temple. In 1926, January start building, in 1929 June 1st at FengAn p.85. 1961 become national key units of cultural relics protection.
李香君故居:LiXiangJun former residence is located in Confucius temple chao library street 38, is listed as municipal units of cultural relics protection, since after opening, visit the incense jun former residence, drive-travelers here hosted many cultural celebrities, leaving many calligraphy handwriting. There is a temple of Taiwan compatriots, back ShengQin visited MDM incense, said: "not direct mainland and this kind of exotic vision." estates, A former embassy in the navy attaches after this visit, putting pen to write: "historic legend, jiangnan JueJing." Nanjing forestry university an old man came to a lyric, impromptu compartmentallized.the: "LiuShao green, mei, romantic fragrance floor lamp, boat OARS qinhuai shadow, wife-or-sweetheart makeup stage, silk fan where... heart sweat bamboo difficult buried..." And if LiXiangJun jiuquan knew, is enough to comfort her that faint pathos the inexhaustible creative power as well
Ⅳ 南京旅游景点介绍
1.免费景点=南京博物院 免费
南京梅园新村纪念馆 免费
南京科学宫 免费
南京大屠杀纪念馆 免费
南京静海寺 免费
南京甘熙故居 免费
南京高淳淳溪老街 免费
南京鼓楼公园 免费(登楼5元)
南京雨花台 免费
2.收费景点=南京中山陵 80元(含灵谷寺,凭门票可免费乘坐景区内小火车)
南京灵谷寺 80元(含中山陵,凭门票可免费乘坐景区内小火车)
南京明孝陵 70元(南京中山陵,南京灵谷寺,南京明孝陵三景联票140元,凭门票可免费乘坐景区内小火车)
南京太平天国历史陈列馆 15元
南京中华门 25元
南京红山森林动物园 30元
南京瞻园(大明王府) 40元
南京长江大桥公园 15元
南京长江二桥公园 25元
南京海底世界 110元(:含海豚表演,儿童1米-1.4米60元,1米以下免费)
南京总统府 40元
南京美龄宫 15元
南京玄武湖 30元(:含南京情侣园)
南京朝天宫 25元
南京珍珠泉 60元:(不含动物表演30元)
南京阅江楼 40元
南京莫愁湖 15元
南京电视塔 30元
南京紫金山天文台 15元
南京傅抱石纪念馆 2元
南京阳山碑材 48元
南京汤山古猿人洞 25元
南京汤山蒋介石别墅 12元
南京夫子庙 25元
南京王谢古居 8元
南京栖霞山 15元
南京鸡鸣寺 5元
南京将军山 35元
南京绿博园 30元(:老年证免票)
南京渡江胜利纪念碑 3元
南京绣球公园 3元
南京宝船遗址公园 30元
南京白马公园 10元
南京太子山公园 1元
南京燕子矶 15元
南京天妃宫 10元
南京中山植物园 15元(南京中山植物博览园新园50元)
南京白马石刻公园 10元
南京月牙湖公园 2元
南京情侣园 12元(购玄武湖30元门票包含情侣园)
南京天生桥 30元
南京无想寺 7元
傅家边农业科技园 22元
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