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发布时间: 2021-03-16 21:20:57

A. 有谁能发一下扬州景点介绍的文章啊(还要是英文的)

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B. 求英文介绍扬州瘦西湖旅游


瘦西湖为我国著名的湖上园林,坐落在扬州市西北,自古以来便是江南的游览胜地。瘦西湖总面积103.7公顷,其中水面面积 49.9公顷,是国家重点风景名胜区蜀冈——瘦西湖风景名胜区的核心部分窈窕曲折的湖道,串以长堤春柳、四桥烟雨、徐园、小金山、吹台、五亭桥、白塔、二十四桥、玲珑花界、熙春台、望春楼、吟月茶楼、湖滨长廊、石壁流淙、静香书屋等两岸景点,俨然一幅天然秀美的国画长卷。湖面迂回曲折,迤俪伸展,仿佛神女的腰带,媚态动人。清朝时,康熙、乾隆二帝曾数次南巡扬州,当地的豪绅争相建园,遂得"园林之盛,甲于天下"之说。



瘦西湖园林既有的自然风光,又有丰富的历史文化,四时八节,风晨月夕,使瘦西湖幻化出无穷奇趣。瘦西湖的景点经多年修建,变得格外妩媚多姿。 尤其待到江南的春色降临,烟花三月下扬州,漫步与瘦西湖畔,但见几步一柳,好似绿雾般的柔媚动人,加之山茶、石榴、杜鹃、碧桃等妩媚的花树陪伴,更觉舒卷飘逸,窈窕多姿,万般的诗情画意尽现其中。 这个是英文的.. The hangzhou xihu compared to plump fruit, big-breasted, so the charm of yangzhou can be compared to cut her maid, comely because hangzhou west lake give a person a kind of elegant lasting appeal, and yangzhou person gives however somewhat QianRou shyness cordiality. For many years, her unique charm, which not only makes people into music yangzhou swim, also pleased that many scholars at home and abroad for a brilliant of mping and only an "thin" word, leads to many poets of lovers. In earlier years, DengTa lake, the lake mountain scenery of admiration, gladly a poem: "banqiao song blow ancient yangzhou, I be yangzhou three days around; thin west lake feeling better, people beauty numerous close." In China, "west lake scenic spot has named" 339 place, but "lake" only yangzhou one. So why she was christened "lake"? West lake is located in yangzhou city, formerly known as "gun sunvo company", also say "security river", is the sui and tang dynasties time by shu with the hills, all anhui dabie mountain east water hole flow people a section of the canal waterway. It has more than 50 hectares of sightseeing area, 6 km more run-length, a song water as jin belt, when the collection, exhibition like charng-er dance throwing the human five-color ribbon, form natural and moving. Later was renamed as "lake", because of qianlong poet wang kang hang will yangzhou safeguard river with hangzhou xihu made a comparison, wrote a song lauding safeguard river poem: "ChuiYang constantly meet resial overgrown, wild goose tooth hongqiao Yan; and also is drawing a pot of gold, pin reason should be called lake." From now on "lake" as a formal name, Chinese and foreign famous. Obscure, be like in attracting we, to enter the defence. Li or: "old west phrase, the fireworks march HuangHe to yangzhou". Yangzhou lennon-mccartney lake namely. Now as national key scenic area. For our country's famous lake lake landscape, located in yangzhou city, northwest, since the ancient times is jiangnan's resorts. Lake area 103.7 hectares, including the surface area 49.9 hectares, national key scenic shu Oregon - a central part of lake scenic area, gentle and graceful tortuous lake way with spring willow, connects string four bridge YanYu, XuYuan, small golden hill, ChuiTai, the five pavilions bridge, white dagoba, 24 bridge, exquisite flowers bound, enghish spring machine, hope spring floor Yin month teahouse, lakeside promenade, rock flow Cong, static incense bookstore cross-strait attractions, such as peremptory a picture of a natural beauty of Chinese painting scroll. The lake twists and turns, but very impressive, as if fairy stretch of belt, MeiTai moving. In qing dynasty, emperor kangxi and qianlong two several occasions NaXun yangzhou, local landlord grabbed orchard, then it "gardens of the filling, armor in the world". "ChuiYang constantly meet resial overgrown, wild goose tooth hongqiao Yan; and also is drawing a pot of gold, pin reason should be called lake." Generations of poet scholars like lake compared to comely graceful girl, which is different from enchanting fleshy hangzhou west lake. The scope of speaking, lake son history to the west, the male shrine big hongqiao, causeway spring willow, west round curved water, small white, golden hill, the five pavilions bridge, to the kuanyinshan stops, and lake park is from causeway spring willow to kuanyinshan. Three kilometers, four miles-new lake lake are spread many small chic, vitalizedwith buildings. Some stretch into the lake, and some frame in Persia surface, some secluded spot, some built in the mountains, each stance diversity, qing despiseth abstruse Yangzhou is a culture-enriched, past politicians, writers, artists, artists gathered in yangzhou, many are left classics poetry, calligraphy and painting, music and dance, also left many beautiful legend story. Therefore, in the appreciation of beauty visit lake xiuse when, also can saying is reading a rich content historical records, enrich people's knowledge, allows people to get the sublimation of mind. Lake garden existing natural scenery and rich culture and history, ever-green daughters, wind YueXi, make the morning a boundless xiyanglou lake unreal. Lake scenic spot after years of building, become extraordinarily charming spectacular. Especially until the beauties of spring comes, jiangnan spends march yangzhou, stroll and lake bank, but they saw a few steps a willow, like green mist of gentle and lovely and moving, plus camellia, pomegranates, BiTao cuckoo, such enchanting jiulong company, more sleep graally elegant, gentle and graceful much appearance, all kinds of poetic all shows among them.

C. 扬州各著名的旅游景点的介绍,最好有英文的!!谢谢!!


D. 扬州景点的英文名称

Yangzhou Tourism

Yangzhou is an ancient historical and cultural city, located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River at the eastern end of the plains, Jiangsu Province in central, east near the Yellow Sea, and Nantong, Yancheng junction;-West Nanjing, and Luk, Tianchang County, which borders; south of the Yangtze, and Zhenjiang, Wuxi City, across the river; Huaishui the north, and adjacent to the Huaiyin City, in north-south Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal North and South. Hanjiang Xian has been around the circumference, has always been a sea and land transport hub of South-North Water Transport of Grain throat, and an important gateway to northern Jiangsu.
(07/13/2006 00:24:59)
Daming Si - Yangzhou tourist attractions
On the northern outskirts of the ancient city of Yangzhou, Shugang such as Wolong Miangen winds. Daming Si-known in the world of the ancient temples of the Millennium, ranked in the top peak in Shugang. Daming Si and its architecture, its collection of Buddhist temples, cultural relics and scenic landscape and history in one famous, is a very rich historical and cultural treasures of national culture.
As a result of Daming Si was built in the early Southern SONG Xiao Liu big next year between Emperor (457-464) named after. More than 1,500 years, the Temple there were more changes, such as the Sui Dynasty "Migratory Temple," "Temple of the West", the late Tang said the "scale level." Qing Dynasty, die as a result of "Da-ming
(07/13/2006 00:24:59)
Ho Park - Yangzhou tourist attractions
Xiao was originally called to send Villa, located in the old-Yun Xu Ning's Gate Street, the late Qing Yangzhou is the most distinctive name of a park. He masters of the last name Park, named Ho garden, the referred to as "the Ho Park."

Ho Park, the Qing Emperor Guangxu for bypass roads in Taiwan

E. 扬州景点的英文


F. 扬州的名胜有没有英文介绍那些景点的英文要怎么说


G. 跪求扬州景点的英语导游词


(07/13/2006 00:24:59)
(07/13/2006 00:24:59)
原名寄啸山庄,位于古运河畔的徐凝门街,是晚清扬州最有特色的一座名园。园主人何姓,故名何家花园,简称“何园” 。


H. 扬州旅游景点英文名

瘦西湖 Slender West Lake
大明寺 Da Ming temple
朱自清故居 zhuziqing former residence

这几个是我去过的景点 上面就是这样内写的 希望容可以帮到你

I. 扬州瘦西湖或个园的英文介绍

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J. 谁有扬州旅游景点介绍词(中英互译)
